How to pronounce Samuella Samaniego?

2 entries

Pronunciation of Samuella Samaniego in Born and raised in Southeast Alaska, currently living in West Seattle

sahm-well-la (Samuella)

sah-mun-yay-go (Samaniego)

Type of Name:

Pacific Islands


Filipino (?)

Alternate Spelling(s):

do not know another spelling of either name


often assigned same meaning as "Samuel"

Additional Information:

The name I am submitting is my own name. Unfortunately, I have had to tolerate many, many, many poor pronunciations of my name both in small and large public settings. I have even been in private settings where there are several hundred in attendance, and while there was ample opportunity for the host or speaker to learn the correct pronunciation, they nevertheless decide to 'wing it' and follow up their vocal assault on my family's name with a timid giggle or laughter that is suppose to serve as some form of postured humility. While I am 57 years of age, somehow this remains a source of awkwardness for me regardless of the times I have to endure it and overcome my disappointment in an effort to sustain the desired mood for the occasion.


Pronunciation of Samuella Samaniego in Born and raised in Southeast Alaska, currently living in West Seattle

Samuella Samaniego is pronounced as S aa m w eh l aa S aa m uu n y eh g oh

s is pronounced as s in so
aa is pronounced as aa in car
m is pronounced as m in me
w is pronounced as w in win
eh is pronounced as e in pet
l is pronounced as l in let
uu is pronounced as u in put
n is pronounced as n in no
y is pronounced as y in yes
g is pronounced as g in go
oh is pronounced as o in so

Samuella Samaniego is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ S aa m w eh l aa S aa m uu n y eh g oh ]

S aa m w eh l aa S aa m uu n y eh g oh
so car me win pet let car so car me put no yes pet go so

Type of Name:

Pacific Islands


Filipino (?)

Alternate Spelling(s):

do not know another spelling of either name


often assigned same meaning as "Samuel"

Additional Information:

The name I am submitting is my own name. Unfortunately, I have had to tolerate many, many, many poor pronunciations of my name both in small and large public settings. I have even been in private settings where there are several hundred in attendance, and while there was ample opportunity for the host or speaker to learn the correct pronunciation, they nevertheless decide to 'wing it' and follow up their vocal assault on my family's name with a timid giggle or laughter that is suppose to serve as some form of postured humility. While I am 57 years of age, somehow this remains a source of awkwardness for me regardless of the times I have to endure it and overcome my disappointment in an effort to sustain the desired mood for the occasion.


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